Thursday, June 10, 2010


NASHVILLE, TN, 6/10/2010, Tennessee Republican Party- Late last night, Democrats successfully killed legislation to protect Tennesseans from Obamacare. The Tennessee Health Freedom Act made it to conference, but during the final vote on the conference report, 39 Democrats voted no and kept the bill from reaching the 50 ayes needed to pass.

"Obviously the majority of Democrats in the State House support Obamacare for Tennesseans," said Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney. "These Democrats seem to believe that a trillion-dollar government-run disaster that damages our economy, harms small businesses, raises taxes, and slashes seniors' Medicare benefits is good policy for our state. They couldn't be more wrong. Democrats have chosen to blatantly disregard Tennesseans' concerns about government-run health care and proved once again how out-of-touch they have become with voters in this state."

Last night's vote took place on a conference report which was the result of merging HB 2622 and SB 2560, both of which were passed earlier in the week by the State House and State Senate. The conference report can be found here.

Democrats voting against the conference report are as follows:
Rep. Armstrong, Rep. Borchert, Rep. Brown, Rep. Camper, Rep. T. Cobb, Rep. Cooper, Rep. Curtiss, Rep. J. DeBerry, Rep. L. DeBerry, Rep. Favors, Rep. Ferguson, Rep. Fincher, Rep. Fitzhugh, Rep. Fraley, Rep. Gilmore, Rep. Hackworth, Rep. Hardaway, Rep. S. Jones, Rep. U. Jones, Rep. Kernell, Rep. Litz, Rep. Maddox, Rep. Moore, Rep. Naifeh, Rep. Odom, Rep. Pitts, Rep. Pruitt, Rep. Richardson, Rep. Shaw, Rep. Shepard, Rep. Sontany, Rep. Stewart, Rep. Tidwell, Rep. Tindell, Rep. Towns, Rep. J. Turner, Rep. M. Turner, Rep. West, Rep. Winningham.


The Tennessee Health Freedom Act failed by only six votes. Three of the Democrats who voted against the bill could be replaced by Republicans this November.

Representative Sherri Jones is being challenged by Duane Dominy for State House seat 59. Duane is currently a Metro Councilman representing Council District 28.

Representative Gary Odom is being challenged by Tim Lee for State House seat 55. Gary Odom is a long-time House Democratic leader who engineered the backroom deal that made Republican turn-coat Kent Williams Speaker of the House. A defeat for Gary Odom would be a real cause for celebration.

Representative Mike Turner is being challenged by Bison Rancher and small businessman Charles Williamson for State House seat 51. You may know Mike Turner for having said that he believes those who oppose Obama's policies must be racist.

Representative Ben West is retiring and not seeking reelection. Rep. West's vote against the Tennessee Health Freedom Act is disappointing. West is a respected legislator and generally perceived as the last of the dying breed of conservative Democrats. Whoever wins the Democratic nomination to replace West will be to the left of West in this conservative-leaning district. The Republican nominee for House seat 60 will be Jim Gotto who is currently a metro councilman representing Council District 12. Many believe Jim Gotto is favored to win this seat, however the Democratic machine is expected to pour everything they have into this race to keep this seat in Democratic hands.

We have a unique opportunity to change the make up of the House this year. Elections do matter. Remember this vote on The Tennessee Health Freedom Act this November when it come time for you to cast your vote. If you want to help these good Republican candidates get elected, go to their web site and contribute and sign up to volunteer in their campaign.

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