Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hartline continues to rack up the endorsements

NASHVILLE, June 23, 2010, Hartline for Congress – The Hartline for Congress campaign's fundraising effort continues to set the pace in the Tennessee 5th District congressional race, attracting more of the Nashville area's top business leaders to the effort to raise the significant sums necessary to wage a successful campaign to defeat entrenched incumbent Congressman Jim Cooper.

In addition to a very busy schedule of fund-raising events, the campaign announces four more business leaders joining the Hartline for Congress Finance Committee this week: Lewis Rankin of J.E. Crain & Sons Inc.; Axson West of Southeast Ventures, Jeff McNeese of DTS America Inc., and Chris Powers of Care Solutions.

“Jeff Hartline's message is being heard and people are responding, and encouraging others to join the effort to send Jeff to Congress and stop the runaway cycle of spending, debt and taxes that Jim Cooper has contributed to and enabled with his strong support of the liberal agenda of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,” said campaign finance committee chairman Andy Miller.

“These fine people are stepping up to make certain that Jeff's campaign has the resources it needs to tell the people of the 5th District about the real Jim Cooper record – a record of voting to add trillions of dollars to the national debt, and a record of voting for endless 'stimulus' spending sprees, industrial bailouts and massive expansions of government into healthcare, banking and many other sectors of the economy,” Miller sad. “That's the job-killing, business-destroying record that Jim Cooper does not want to talk about – but Nashville’s business community has stepped up to support Jeff Hartline because they know our economy cannot take much more of the damage inflicted by the Cooper-Pelosi agenda.”

The newest additions join an already very-impressive list of Tennesseans from diverse business backgrounds who are helping the Hartline campaign raise the large sums of money necessary to wage a winning congressional campaign. The list includes: Connie Allen (Fridrich & Clark Realty), Earl Bentz (Triton Boats), Mike Blackburn (Petra Capital). Samantha Bouler (HCA Healthcare), Clyde Bright (Hollinsworth & Bright), Stuart Campbell (Stites and Harbison), and Crom Carmichael (private investor), Mike Conyer (private investor), Kent Davis (retired), Ralph Drury (The Drury Group), Jim Elder (Elder Advertising), Jay Garrett (ESI), Tony Giarratana (Giarratana Development LLC), and C.J. Gideon (Gideon Wiseman), Clyde Hutchinson (HealthMark Medical), David Ingram (Ingram Entertainment), Rob Ivey (Salix Ventures), Joey Jacobs (Psychiatric Solutions), John Jacobson (Riley Warnock & Jacobson). David Keith (Dixie Detectors),and Steve Kress (Aegis Capital & Management), Monty Lankford (TLC Medical), Garry Latimer (Diatech Oncology), Bill Lee (The Lee Company), J.T. Lemons (Ocoee Outdoors), Holland McKinnie (attorney), Ken Melkus (Welsh Carson), and Rock Morphis (Heritage Group),
Greg Pilant (Graystone Pharmaceuticals), Stephen Prather (Chas. Hawkins Company), Steve Smith (Haury & Smith), Richard Speer (private investor), Willie Stokes (Davis Stokes Collaborative PC), Bill Southwick (Healthmark Partners), and Rod Thurley (RV Service and Sales), Jack Tyrell (Richland Partners), Rick Uselton (Uselton Shooting Sports), Billy Webb (HealthPort Technologies), Michael Whittington (U.S. Air Force, retired), and Brent Willis (

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