Friday, June 04, 2010

Update: Is Marsha Blackburn Endorsing David Hall?

I may have been a little late in hearing this but I heard a rumor today from one of the candidates seeking the 5th Congressional District Republican nomination that David Hall's campaign had created a robo call and a audio bite posted on the Hall campaign website that appears to be an endorsement from popular 7th District Republican Congressman Marsha Blackburn.

We now know that the Marsha Blackburn endorsement is not an endorsement of Hall's current campaign but is an old endorsement from 2008 when Congressman Blackburn endorsed Hall in a campaign for a different office. Unless Hall has a good explanation, I would have to conclude that this was unethical, deceptive, and stupid.

Blackburn's office responded to an inquiry today with this statement: "The Blackburn campaign has asked Hall to remove the audio that was recorded in 2008 for Hall's State Senate race. Rep. Blackburn is not endorsing a candidate in the TN-05 GOP primary."

David Hall has been asked for a comment and I will post an update when I get it. I would like to here his explanation.

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