Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Joe Kirkpatrick drops out; endorces Ramsey

NASHVILLE, TN, 6/9/2010, Ron Ramsey for Governor – Today, Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey was pleased to welcome the endorsement of former fellow candidate Joe Kirkpatrick in the bid to become the next Republican Governor of the state of Tennessee. After 13 months on the campaign trail, Kirkpatrick today announced both his withdrawal from the gubernatorial race and his endorsement of Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey for Governor.

Ramsey released the following statement:

“I have been pleased to spend many months on the trail getting to know Joe Kirkpatrick and what he stands for. An honorable and steadfast Conservative andidate, he has earned my respect over the many events we’ve had the chance to participate in together during this race.

“I’m glad to have Joe’s support as he makes the decision to step away from the race
today. With passion, he helped guide the gubernatorial discussion back to vitally important constitutional issues, which is precisely where it needs to be. I agree whole-heartedly with Joe’s Conservative view that the next Governor must focus on protecting both personal rights and state sovereignty.

“I’ve always said, and I know Joe agrees, that we must run this state the Tennessee way and not the Washington way. I am the Conservative candidate with the experience and the leadership who can deliver on that promise. Together, we can advance and give DC the boot.”

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