Saturday, June 12, 2010

State Party to Charles Williamson: Remove the ‘Bull’ video

Charles Williamson to State Party: I don’t toe the Party line.

State Republican Party officials have asked House District 51 Republican candidate Charles Williamson to remove his “bull” video. The video which aired on youtube four days ago has already received over 1200 hits. I have reposted the video on this blog and the Davidson County Republican Party has also posted it.

Davidson County Republicans Party Chairman Kathleen Starnes says she likes the video and she had it posted on the DCRP website. "I love it," says Kathleen, "I had it put on the website. I just learned of this controversy but I have no intention of removing it. If this video is controversial, controversy is what we need. It catches people’s attention. "

The video features Charles Williamson, who is a bison rancher, feeding his buffalo and walking and talking in the feed lot. In the spot he says, “My opponent supports the state income tax, and that’s bull.” He says a two or three other things about positions his opponent has taken and after each one says “and that’s bull.” In the last segment of the clip Charles says, “And Tennesseans are tired of this bull” and he stomps a piece of buffalo dung.

The request to pull the ad came from Tennessee Republican Party Political Director Adam Nickas. According to Charles, Nickas expressed concern that the video sent the wrong message and that the Party was fearful that with this add Charles would not be taken seriously.

Charles told Nickas, “I don’t toe the party line” and that he would not be removing the video.

I am awaiting a comment from Nickas and also have requested a comment from State Party Chairman Chris Devaney and State Party Executive Director Gregory Gleaves. I will post their comment when I get a reply.

I love the video. The Party is trying to tell Charles Williamson to change his image and message and to toe the Party line, yet they are not giving him much support in his campaign. And, that’s bull!

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  1. I suspect as a North East liberal I probably disagree with Charles' positions. However, I like his ad. i think it is good and authentic, and I suspect that this sort of authenticity is a threat to party leaders no matter what side of the aisle they sit on.

    Personally, I think the request from party leaders is bull.

  2. I enjoyed watching this and listening to Charles.

    Many more like-minded candidates for House & Senate are emerging....

    Eddie Garcia

  3. I like anyone who is a conservative who does not "Toe The Party Line" and does not play the Party games! Anyone like that has my vote!
