Monday, June 21, 2010

There is Still Time to Register to Vote

Register to VoteThere is still time, but not much time, to register people to vote in order to vote in the August election. Voter registration in Tennessee for the August primary ends July 6, 2010.

If you have conservative friends or relatives that are not registered, please get them registered.

You can go to this link and you can download a voter registration form. Page three of the link has the actual form. Page one and two have a sample form and instructions. Once completed, the form must then be mailed or hand-delivered to the election commission.

If you attend a conservative church, you may want to ask your pastor or church leader if you can conduct a voter registration drive. You would have two Sundays to have the voter registration drive: June 27th and July 4th. This is not a partisan activity. It is simply offering a service to the members of your church to enable them to carry out their civic duty. This would be easy to do. All you need is a table, some of the forms that you can download and copy, and a sign saying, "Register to Vote."

Other places, such as places of employment or apartment complexes or sports bars may let you conduct a voter registration drive as long as it is non-partisan. If you think most of the people you would register are likely Republican voters, do it!

This election cycle is vital, but if folks are not registered, they cannot vote.

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