Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another update: 2nd Quarter Financial Reports: Cece Heil underwhelms

Update: Lonnie Spivak's and Patrick Miranda's reports are posted. Why has Vijay Kumar not filed a report?

Second quarter Campaign Financial reports for the period ending June 30 have been filed and Cece Heil raised less money than expected.

I kept hearing that she was going like gang busters and had some important people with deep pockets lining up behind her. Not that $58,000 is an insignificant amount of money, but I expected more. She does have billboards and TV advertising and mailings. She probably has enough money to get the job done and get her message out but reality did not line up with the hype. Not that the hype was generated from her camp, but there was a certain buzz that she was raising a lot of money. Maybe it was just me, but I expected her to rival Hartline in campaign contributions.

Below are how the candidates stack up:

  • Brendan Finucane has receipts of $75,325. He is no longer a candidate and his name is not on the ballot.

  • David Hall reports receipts of $275, 968. He reports only $200 in individual contributions and list candidates contributions of $72,786 and "other contributions" of $202,983.
  • Jeff Hartline shows receipts of $267,648. All of it was individual contributions except for about $4000.

  • Cece Heil reports receipts of $58,054, all individual contributions.

  • Bob Schwartz reports receipts of $10,710, all individual contributions.
  • Lonnie Spivak reports $6581.
  • Patrick Miranda reports $12,620
Tracy Tarum reported $380. Other candidates have either not filed a second quarter report, or perhaps it is not yet posted on the Federal Election Commission website.

Jarod Scott reported $17,791 in the first quarter and does show a second quarter filing.
Jarod Scott: What happened?

Vijay has several large billboard around town and those cannot come cheap.
Vijay Kumar:
Where is your report?

For comparison sake, Democrat incumbent Jim Cooper reports receipts of $618,531, of which $382,738 was individual contributions and $231,555 was PAC contributions.

I am disappointed that our candidates are not better funded. Are our rich Republican still supporting Jim Cooper or are they waiting until there is a primary winner to open up?

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  1. I know that the FEC is not always known for their swiftness!

  2. how is Finucane still raising money? WHY is Finucane still raising money? Is he still giving it all to Hartline?

  3. CeCe and others did not raises as much money as Jeffy Boy because they are not paying themselves such HUGE salaries!

  4. Bobby Baby, that arguement doesnt even make sense. Please next time you have a thought? Let it go!
