Friday, July 23, 2010

Ben West explains support for Cece Heil

Ben West
Ben West at Hermitage event

State Rep. Ben West Jr., who has represented the Hermitage area for the past 26 years as a Democrat has been seen at a lot of Republican functions recently enthusiastically supporting Republican Cece Heil for Congress. Ben's wife Phyllis wears a Cece for Congress t-shirt at the events and is an enthusiastic supporter of Cece.
Phyllis West and Ben West

Phyllis speaks for Cece at Hermitage event

The Wests were at the Hermitage Egg and Bacon summit earlier this month for a debate between Cece Heil and Jeff Hartline. Ben spoke and was warmly received at the Republican gathering. Both Ben and Phyllis spoke endorsing Cece. After the meeting, I spoke to Ben and told him it was good to see him and he made a point of telling me, "Now, I'm still a Democrat."

I also saw Ben and Phyllis at the Apollo School debate where I again spoke to Ben and told him he ought to just go ahead and switch parties and declare himself a Republican.

Ben West is the last of a dying breed of conservative Democrats. Ben has always been fiscally responsible and conservative on social issues and has been an outspoken supporter of Second Amendment rights. I suspect that like a lot of conservative Democrats, he votes for Republicans at the national level but supports Democrats locally. The party lines have been quite blurred in Nashville. I am sure that many people who think of themselves as Republican always supported Ben West.

Ben is greatly admired and respected. Now that he is not running for reelection, I wish he would come out and also support Jim Gotto who is running as Republican for the seat West now occupies. When a conservative votes for a Democrat that advances the liberal agenda even if the individual they vote for is a conservative Democrat. In redistricting and in committee assignments in the legislature and various other ways, a conservative Democrat is still part of the liberal machine and is advancing the cause of liberalism.

I wish Ben would say, "I did not leave the Democrat Party, it left me and I can no longer be a Democrat." If he can't take that next step, he is nevertheless helping the Republican cause. A lot of Democrats will vote in the Republican primary thanks to the leadership of Ben and Phyllis West.

Below is Ben West's press release explaining his sponsorship of an event for Cece Heil.


“Phyllis and I are proud to be co-hosts of the Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social at the Historic Buchanan Log House in Donelson on Sunday, July 25, 2010, 2-6 PM in honor of our friend CeCe Heil, who is running in the Primary for 5th District Congressional Seat.

We are of the opinion that this country has been heading in the wrong direction; and that our voices have not been heard by our current representation regarding Congressional legislation. After looking at all the candidates in this race, it became abundantly clear t6hat CeCe has the leadership skills and the moral character needed today to be a leader in this country. She is a strong Constitution Conservative and successful business owner, a devoted wife and mother, and Christian. She believes in smaller government and lower taxes to boost this failing economy, so more people can be put on the payroll, rather than on unemployment rolls. She is opposed to ObamaCare and Government take over of Private industry; and so are we.

CeCe’s most important attribute is that she wants input from her constituents. She believes firmly in the concept of “WE THE PEOPLE” running this country. Most importantly, we believe she has the ability to debate the issues with knowledge and intelligence, bring respect back to DC and garner the support to beat the incumbent.

We would like for as many people as possible in the Davidson, Wilson and Cheatham Counties to come out, enjoy the fellowship and have the opportunity to meet CeCe and speak with her face to face.” – Ben West, Jr.

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