Thursday, July 01, 2010

CeCe Heil starts TV AD campaign

Entertainment attorney CeCe Heil kicks off what promises to be an aggressive media campaign in her race for the Republican nomination for the 5th Congressional district seat by launching her first TV ad. The ad entitled, "We Are the Government" focuses on the public's distrust of tax-and-spend, career politicians in Washington and the need to return to core American values that promote freedom, innovation and opportunity.

"I was very pleased with the commercial," said Heil. "It touches on the frustrations ‘we the people’ have with Washington, but more importantly highlights the fact that there are real solutions out there. We must never forget that ‘we the people’ are the government and together we can turn things around.”

The commercial began its run Tuesday morning, June 29th on the Comcast cable system, hitting such networks as FOX News, CNBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Other media outreach efforts will be launched in the coming weeks.
To see the commercial click here:

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1 comment:

  1. Well the strippers are working hard to boost self esteem and to empty the wallet.

    Actually, many strippers are working moms that are just trying to make a living.
