Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Cynthia Dunbar at Madison Egg and Bacon Summit July 10

Cynthia Dunbar

The Madison Republican Meetup Group is fortunate to have as our guest this Saturday, Ms Cynthia Dunbar. Ms Dunbar is a constitutional scholar and is the author of One Nation Under God (How the Left is Trying to Erase What Made Us Great). She is also an elected member of the Texas State Board of Education (TSBOE) and Assistant Professor at Liberty University School of Law.

Among informed liberals, Dunbar is one of the most hated women in America, somewhere in the ranks of Sarah Palin and Phyllis Schlafly. She has been accused of wanting to keep American school children dumb and has been called a Christian Taliban. There have been death threats on her life.

She is controversial because she has led the fight in Texas to insure that history books used in the Texas school system accurately present the Judeo-Christian heritage of America and present a proper understanding of the founding principles of our county and for her advocacy of what should be included in the text of history books. Since Texas is one of the largest purchasers of school text books, the textbooks written to satisfy Texas are often used in the rest of the nation.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear this outstanding conservative leader. Anyone interested in education or the liberal bias in our schools will not want to miss this important presentation, as well as anyone wanting a better understanding of the foundations of our republic.

The Madison Republican Group meets at the Piccadilly Cafeteria in Madison Square. We meet to eat and socialize at 8:30 and the meeting gets underway at 9AM. Ms Dunbar will be the guest speaker this Saturday June 10th. Breakfast is dutch-treat and reservations are not required. Please join us.

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1 comment:

  1. It was a very good presentation, but I think it was rather misleading to not include a pertinent fact, made pertinent by her comments, that she is the sister of Congressional candidate Cece Heil. Had a ground rule been laid down that she should make no comments on particular candidates in the race I think it would have been helpful. As it was, the organizers gave Cece an extra 45 minute presentation that candidate Bob Schwartz, who got, I believe, 10 minutes, wasn't afforded.
