Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Davidson County Republican Party Picnic

Duane Dominy, Charles Williamson and Tim Lee
The Pledge of Allegiance let by Republican State House Candidates Duane Dominy, Charles Williamson and Tim Lee

Diane di StacioDiane di Stacio leads The Star Spangled Banner

Kathleen Starnes, Louella Ballenger, Beth Campbell and Rod Williams

DCRP picnic

Kathleen Starnes
Kathleen Starnes,
Chairman of the DCRP

Bob Schwartz and Rod Williams

Candidates for Governor: Bill Haslum, Ron Ramsey, Zack Wamp

Cynthia Dunbar speaks for Cece Heil

Jeff Hartline

Eric Crafton

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1 comment:

  1. That's a great picture of you and Bob Schwartz. Bob appears to be moving up quite quickly. A predict he will be second in the polling or first within the next two weeks.
