Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Davidson County Republican Party Straw Poll favors Haslam

In the Davidson County Republican Party straw poll, Bill Haslam won the poll for Governor.

In the Presidential race Mitt Romney came in first, followed by Tim Pawlenty and then our own Senator Bob Coker.

In the State Senate 21 District race, Dickerson won out over Chesser.

Below is the complete poll results:

• Who is your choice for Governor?

203 Bill Haslam

• 105 Ron Ramsey

• 93 Zach Wamp

• Who is your choice in the 5th Congressional race?

• 12 David Hall

• 118 Jeff Hartline

• 122 CeCe Heil

• 10 Vijay Kumar

• 5 Patrick Miranda

• 10 Bob Reis

• 72 Bob Schwartz

• 7 Jarod Scott

• 10 Lonnie Spivak

• 0 Alvin Strauss

• 3 Tracy Tarum

• Who is your choice in State Senate District 21?

• 122 James Chesser

• 203 Steve Dickerson

• At this point, who is your choice for President in 2012?

• 20 Haley Barbour

• 42 Bob Corker

• 24 Chris Christie

• 8 Mitch Daniels

• 7 Jim DeMint

• 41 Mike Huckabee

• 21 Bobby Jindal

• 41 Sarah Palin

• 33 Ron Paul

• 14 General David Petraeus

• 45 Tim Pawlenty

• 66 Mitt Romney

• 12 Other

• What is the top issue that needs to be addressed by Congress and the President?

• 118 Economic growth.

• 39 Health care.

• 46 Illegal immigration.

• 138 The budget deficit and national debt.

• 9 Terrorism.

• 23 Federal Reserve.

• What is the top issue facing the next Governor of Tennessee?

• 183 Economic growth.

• 33m Health care.

• 25 Illegal immigration.

• 41 Education.

• 101 State Sovereignty.

• Do you support privatizing additional Metro services?

• 265 Yes.

• 95 No.

• Do you think Metro should sell the Fairgrounds?

• 154 Yes.

• 212 No.

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  1. Great Showing for CeCe. She is by far the best candidate.

    What's up with Mitt Romney though. People need to research his record. He was one of the worst Governors in the country, would stink on ice as POTUS.

  2. I don't see how you can say CeCe is the best candidate. Bob Schwartz is by far the better speaker and his platform is vastly superior. Also, CeCe has a terrible voting record. If she can't be bothered to vote in elections, why should she be entrusted to be our voice in Congress?

  3. Eric, I have not said Cece is the best candidate. As for Cece's voting record,it is my understanding that she was registered prior to her current registration but under her maiden name. You may want to contact her campaign to get the facts.

  4. Rod,

    I checked the facts under her maiden name, her husband's name and her hyphenated name. I know the facts and the facts are she has a poor voting record.
