Saturday, July 10, 2010

Despite no voice, Cece roared.

Diane di Stacio and Cece Heil This morning about fifty people gathered at Ryan's Steakhouse in Hermitage to hear a debate between the two presumed front runners in the Republican primary for the 5th Congressional District race, Cece Heil and Jeff Hartline.Cece Heil

Unfortunately, Cece Heil showed up but was unable to speak. She had suffered a complete loss of her voice and could not speak beyond the faintest of a whisper. The debate went on however.

Debate moderator Ben Cunningham gave each of the candidates the questions prior to the start of the debate and Cece quickly hand wrote answers to questions which were then read by Diane di Stacio. For the rebuttal and Q&A, Cece whispered answers into the ear of Diane and Diane repeated. Despite the handicap, Cece held her own. With an incredible disadvantage, Cece performed admirably. She can write fast and whisper well.

The debate was substantive. There were distinctions drawn between the candidates. More on this debate to follow; it is time to be off to the Republican Party picnic.

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  1. Well, I refuse to consider this much more than a sham debate since other candidates like Bob Schwartz weren't included.

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  3. CeCe definitely does not have a good profile picture, judging from that big second chin of hers. She is not quite the MILF I had thought she was.

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