Thursday, July 29, 2010

Elect Connie Hunter, District 2, School Board

Connie Hunter

If you live in School Board District 2, please vote for Connie Hunter. District 2 is that part of the county between I-24 and I-65 south of Harding Place.

While the attention in the upcoming election has been focused on the governor’s race and the 5th Congressional distinct, other important elections are also taking place and one of the most important elections is the election for Metro School Board.

Metro Schools are failing us and the dropout rate is much too high. Public education in Nashville is an embarrassment. It is imperative that we elect good people to the School Board.

Connie Hunter is a solid conservative and a strong advocate for high educational standards. She supports raising entry level teacher salaries, a strict disciplinary policy, support for principals and their individual school goals, parental involvement and parental choice.

Connie needs volunteers and contributions in these last days of her campaign and, if you live in District 2, she needs your vote. I just visited her website and made a campaign contribution. Visit her website to learn more about her stand on the issues and to help her candidacy.

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