Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Tonight and tomorrow: Eric Crafton, right-wing nut-job, needs your help!

Comment: This right-wing nut-job Republican is doing all he can do to help Eric Crafton. I worked the polls for half a day at the Hermitage Library early voting site on Friday and Saturday and am working August 5th and worked the phone banks Monday and Tuesday. Where are the rest of you? Eric needs volunteers to work the phone bank tonight. Please sign up now by clicking this link: I am also a right-wing nut-job and I want to help Eric. Or, just show up at the State Party headquarters at 5Pm at tonight (Wednesday) 2424 21st Avenue, Suite 200.

From Eric Crafton
Dear Friends:

They are coming after me and coming after you!

Liberal activist State Democratic Party Chairman, Chip Forrester told The City Paper on Thursday that he feels, “because Davidson County is an extremely important Democratic bastion, the state party, as well as the local party, has a strong interest in ensuring that Eric Crafton is defeated next week”, because ”we see the potential of Eric Crafton, who is a right-wing, nut-job Republican, using this [seat] as a stepping stone for higher office.”

Unfortunately, Davidson County’s Juvenile Court clerk race has been turned decidedly ugly and hurtful by liberal activist Tennessee Democratic Party chairman, Chip Forrester when he said his party is “fully engaged” to defeat Crafton, a “right-wing, nut-job Republican.”

I have tried to make this campaign about competence, not partisan politics. If politics is taken out of the mix, I am clearly the most qualified candidate and the “Chip Forresters of the world” know it. That’s why they’ve stooped to calling all Republicans “right-wing, nut jobs”!

Obviously, as it was so clearly stated above, the activist wing of the democratic party understands the importance of my bid to become Nashville’s Juvenile Court Clerk, and they are doing everything they can to stop me. The question is “are we going to let them?”

If you are ready for Republican leadership at the local level, please help me win this race by doing one or all of the following:

1. Forward this email to a friend.
2. Take someone to the polls with you when you vote. Early Voting ends Saturday at 4 pm. Election day is Thursday, August 5th.
3. Help us at 5:30p – 8p this Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at State Party Headquarters with our phone bank. Please respond to this email to let us know you will be helping and we’ll send you directions to headquarters.

In an unprecedented move, Republicans have slightly outvoted Democrats throughout early voting. We can win this race, but to do so, we must run the race all the way through to the finish line. WON’T YOU PLEASE HELP ME?


Eric Crafton

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