Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Federal Judge Blocks Portions of Arizona Illegal Immigration Law

Federal Judge Blocks Portions of Arizona Illegal Immigration Law

Read the story above. This is a shame.
I was initially opposed to this law when it allowed the police to demand papers of anyone who had a lawful "contact" with the police. We must not abandon constitutional protections out of frustration. Since"contact" was changed to "stop, detention or arrest" and some other minor changes were made in the law, I have been fully supportive. As amended, this law would achieve a laudable goal without infringing on constitutional rights. As amended, this was good law. If the federal government will not enforce the laws, then I think the states should. We must stop illegal immigration.
Can this ruling be appealed? What are the chances of success? What next?

Click here to read the Arizona immigration law. This shows the original and the amended version of the law.

Click here to read the ruling.

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