Tuesday, July 27, 2010

FRC Action PAC Endorses CeCe Heil for Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. FRC Action PAC, July 26, 2010, - FRC Action PAC, the political action committee connected to Family Research Council Action, endorses CeCe Heil for Congress representing Tennessee's 5th District.

"CeCe Heil is a firm advocate for the family and the culture of life. We need Representatives who will have the passion and courage of Ms. Heil to defend the family against the anti-family agenda currently promoted in the House," said Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council and Chairman of FRC Action PAC. "I am convinced Ms. Heil will do just that."

"As an experienced attorney, CeCe has demonstrated her commitment to protecting our constitutional liberties against the assaults of this Congress. She is a pro-family, pro-life candidate, and we are confident she will be strong on the issues that best uphold and strengthen families.
"FRC Action PAC believes that CeCe Heil will work to stop the radical social agenda now before us. We are proud to support her candidacy," concluded Perkins.

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