Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"get out the vote drive"- EACH ONE REACH ONE

Eric CraftonDear Friends,

We talked last week about Liberal Activist Democrat Councilman Ronnie Steine's wanting to teach Davidson County Republicans a lesson by insuring I suffered an overwhelming defeat in my bid to become Juvenile Court Clerk and Nashville's first republican constitutional office holder. Ronnie thinks these offices belong only to democrats, and that's why he had the State Democratic Party send out a countywide mail piece for my opponent at an estimated cost in excess of $15,000!

Despite everything they are saying and doing to defeat us, we are truly on the verge of something spectacular! If we do not grow weary, and if we continue running this race through to the finish line we will win. The first ten days of early voting show that republicans and democrats are running "neck and neck."

To win, we must continue getting our people to the polls. That's why I'm asking you to participate in a "get out the vote drive" called EACH ONE REACH ONE. All you have to do is commit to making sure at least one other person besides yourself goes to the polls and votes. That's it. Very simple. I have also included the early voting schedule below for your convienience.

Remember, EACH ONE REACH ONE! This is our time to make a statement that will shake Nashville 's current political paradigm down to its very core. Together we truly can make a difference!

Thank you!

Eric Crafton

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