Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hartline welcomes Huckabee's Endorsement

July 13, 2010, Hartline for Congress

Hartline for Congress NASHVILLE – Congressional candidate Jeff Hartline today welcomed his endorsement by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee as the latest big milestone in Hartline's campaign to defeat incumbent Congressman Jim Cooper in the November election.

“It is a distinct honor to be recognized by one of the nation’s leading Conservatives.,” Hartline said. “Governor Huckabee not only has distinguished himself as an able executive and proponent of Constitutional principles, but he has walked his talk throughout his life in ministry and public service. His confidence inspires us to greater service to our own district. I believe he is a man to be imitated by those in public service and I will certainly work toward that goal.”

Huckabee, a popular pick in the 2008 presidential primary in Tennessee, currently hosts the Huckabee show on Fox News, and is considered a top-tier candidate if he decides to run for president again in 2012. The endorsement was announced by Huck PAC, Huckabee's political action committee, which has endorsed a string of conservative congressional candidates across the country.

In his endorsement, which was announced by his political action committee, Huck PAC, Huckabee praised Hartline's commitment to conservative, constitutional government. Huckabee called Hartline “a new voice for the people of the 5th district … , a voice that stands up for fiscal responsibility and smaller government with no deficit spending, for entrepreneurial job creation and a sound economy, for human life and traditional marriage, for secure borders, and for a renaissance of freedom by a return to and respect for constitutional limits on government.”

Huck PAC is committed to helping Republicans regain control of the House and Senate, regain a majority of governorships and supporting conservative principles around the country. Huck PAC supports Republican candidates who are passionate advocates for tax reform, a strong national defense, real border security, life, the family, less government, and individual liberty. Huck PAC's Team Huck is a grassroots volunteer organization that helps Huck PAC find, endorse, and elect Republican candidates who share those principles.

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  1. So Huckleberry endorses a man who yesterday had a $5K plus judgment against him and who raids his campaign funds to pay personal living expenses (i.e. he pays himself a salary for running for Congress).

    Hartline reeks like rotting fish.

  2. Well, it may almost be rude but it certainly appears to be accurate. I'm sure he's dining at a nice restuarant tonight on the campaign's tab.

  3. I have seen Mr. Hartline on several occasions, and I don't think he stinks. My question for everyone...Are these rumors true???
