Thursday, July 22, 2010


Driving through Oak Hill, Green Hills, and Belle Meade I am astounded to see all of the yards with both a Haslam and a Henry yard sign. You would think they were running as a team.

Bill Haslam is the mayor of Knoxville and a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor. Senator Henry is the incumbent Democrat Senator representing the 21st Senatorial district who is facing a primary challenge from Jeff Yarbro.

On August 5th, one cannot vote for both Bill Haslam and Senator Henry. You only get to vote in one primary. Assuming that Haslam wins the Republican nomination for Governor and assume Henry wins the Democrat nomination for Senate, then in November you may vote for both. However, in August you cannot vote in both primaries. You must choose to vote in either in the Republican or the Democrat primary.

I hope all those folks with Haslam signs in their yard will vote in the Republican primary. If you vote in the Republican primary then you will have a choice of who you would like to have as the Republican nominee to run against the Democrat nominee for the 21st Senate seat.

There are two fine candidates running for the Republican nomination for the 21st Senatorial seat. They are Steve Dickerson and James Chesser. Please get to know these candidates and make an informed decision.

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1 comment:

  1. Actually, I hope we the opposite happens. I would rather those people vote for Henry. I would rather have Henry (even though he is been up there 80 years) than Yarbo!
