Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I am endorsing Diane Black for Congress in the 6th Congressional District.

Dianne BlackI am endorsing Diane Black for Congress in the 6th Congressional District. I just made my online campaign contribution. I am endorsing Diane Black because she is not Lou Ann Zelenik. I oppose Lou Ann Zelenik because she is the leader of the peasants with pitchfork brigade that wants to deny first amendment rights to people of the Muslims faith.

I have been focusing on our own 5th district race and have not followed events in the 6th District that carefully. It appears that both Jim Tracy and Dianne Black are solid conservatives and good people and either one would make a fine Congressman. Diane Black has represented Tennessee’s 18th State Senate District since 2004 and she has a good record of accomplishments. The reason I am supporting her over Tracy is because in my view she is the front runner and if the vote is split three ways, Zelenik may win the primary and that would be a tragedy. I urge those who oppose Zelenik's election to rally around Black.

In covering the Murfreesboro mosque controversy WKRN reported the position of both Tracy and Black. As opposed to the position of Lou Ann Zelenik, both Tracy and Black respect the constitution. Below are the statements of both as reported by WKRN.

"The First Amendment is freedom of religion, and that is very clear, but if there is any kind of terrorism, any kind of training, any kind of thing that has to do with terrorism in that facility, I will fight to oust it," declared Tracy.

"I think this is an issue we are all concerned about when we see there is radical Islamic fundamentalist activity not just across the U-S, but across the world, however brilliant men… wrote our constitution, and it provided for freedom of worship," said Black, echoing previous statements.

Both Tracy and Black are to be commended for resisting the temptation to pander to ignorant bigotry and for standing firm in support of the Constitution. Please vote for Diane Black and defeat Lou Ann Zelenik.

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