Friday, July 16, 2010

Jeff Hartline and Bob Schwartz to debate July 17th

Jeff Hartline
Jeff Hartline

Two of whom many consider to be among the top three candidates for the Republican nomination for the 5th congressional seat will be going toe-to-toe in a one-on-one debate this Saturday. Jeff Hartline will be debating Bob Schwartz.

This debate should be interesting as the two candidates have differences on issues such as the future of Medicare, immigration and energy policy. In style and substance these candidates present a choice.

While you may have seen the candidates "debate" in a crowded field of ten, one-on-one there is a greater opportunity to evacuate the candidates. The debate will be moderated by Councilman Duane Dominy. Audience members will be given the opportunity to ask questions of the two candidates. Come and ask the hard questions.
Bob Schwartz

The debate is sponsored by the Priest Lake Republican Club. The meeting takes place at the Sprit of Life Church, 3646 Murfreesboro Pike. Breakfast sandwiches and coffee will be available for purchase at a modest price. The group will meet Saturday July 17th at 8:30 AM for coffee and eating and socializing and the program will start at 9AM and the program will conclude at 10:15AM.

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  1. Bob Schwartz will destroy Hartline in the debate. He is by far the superior candidate.

  2. Bob Schwartz will win this one. Hartline isn't a very good debater.

  3. I think Bob will win this one! Go Bob!

  4. Jeff Hartline beat him handily in the last forum...

  5. Alice, even though there has been only one forum, you and I must have been at different forums. Hartline was in the top three, but Bob far outshined the other candidates. I'd encourage anyone to watch the video on and judge for themselves.

  6. Well Jeff finally submitted his quarterlies and they show he paid himself $21,794.95 in salary and his sone Wes $2,459.98 in salary. I'm glad I didn't donate to his campaign since I wouldn't wnat my money going to support his extravagant lifestyle and that of his family members.

  7. $21,000 in a quarter??? WOW! I want that kind of a job! $2400/ quarter is not something I could complain about though. My question for Mr. Hartline would be has he made over $40,000 for running for Congress? That is more than many people make in a year, and with a 10% unemployment rate, how does he justify making so much money?

  8. Extravagant lifestyle! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Ahem. Have you even been to his house for dinner? Generous, yes. Extravagant, hardly.

    I was a lot happier before I knew what kind of ridiculous attacks people will make on candidates.

  9. ...and "Bob" was pretty slick, but maybe that was my problem with him.

  10. Alice, how old are you? People have attacked candidates for years! And anyone making $8,000/month is living extravagantly or has an awful lot of bills to pay.

  11. Well-deserved attacks I can understand, it's the ridiculous ones that are so disheartening. What do you think it costs to run a campaign?

  12. Alice,

    If Bob Schwartz raised as much money as Jeff took from his own campaign, he could probably beat Jeff. But, keep helping yourself to those generous dinners at Jeff's house. I'm glad he's sharing his largesse with his friends.

  13. It cost a lot to run a campaign, but ALice, REALLY...Your candidate is making $8500 a MONTH on RUNNING FOR CONGRESS! I don't know how old you are Alice, but $8500 is A LOT of money! That is HIS SALARY, that money is going into HIS pocket. That $ 8500 a month is not paying any of those Campaign bills! Wake UP

  14. I'm convinced that when the truth is told, you guys will wish you had used more discretion in your accusations. If you had any idea what sacrifices they have made in the last year, but, that's not my business to relate. Truly, I know this family cares way more about you and your future than you'll ever care about them.

    BTW, I'm old enough to have six kids who are going to need good representation to stand against big government. Jeff is our man.
