Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Labor backs Yarbro

Jeff Yarbro, the "progressive" Democrat challenger to Senator Doug Henry in the 21st Senatorial District Democrat primary picked up the endorsement of the AFL-CIO and the Nashville Building and Construction Trades Council.

In my view Senator Henry could be in real trouble. Yarbro is matching Henry in fund raising and is running a good campaign. Yarbro is young, energetic, and personable. This year all of the energy in the primary is on the Republican side where three Republican candidates for Governor are conducting spirited campaigns. I suspect that many voters who do not have strong party loyalty may choose to vote in the Republican primary this year.
Much of Henry's support has come from Republicans and from conservative Democrats. These people will be voting in the Republican primary and will not be able to cast a vote for Henry. This makes the primary election favor Yarbro.

Henry would be tough to beat. I will support the Republican nominee but I like Henry and would not take any pleasure in voting against him. If Yarbro is the Democrat nominee Republican will be motivated to fight to take this seat. If Yarbro is he nominee, that could make this seat winnable by a Republican. Either of our fine Republican candidates for the Republican nomination would present a sharp contrast to the liberalism of Jeff Yarbro.

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1 comment:

  1. I think you may be right about Henry being in trouble. I hope not...I like Henry. He is a Democrat, but a good one! Yarbo, from what I can see is a LIBERAL! All you people who can vote for so!
