Saturday, July 24, 2010

Update: Ron Ramsey at the Green Hills 'Pastry and Politics'

Ron Ramsey

Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey

Fifty people gathered at Nero's Grill in Green Hills this morning for the Green Hills Republican Club, "Pastry and Politics" meeting. Special guest was Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey. Ron was informative, humorous, motivational and upbeat but did not hesitate to take on his Republican opponents for the nomination for Governor. He went after Haslam as weak on the second amendment and attacked Congressman Wamp as part of the Washington establishment that got us in the mess we are in.

To read Mike Morrow's report on the meeting published in the Nashville Political Buzz Examiner click this link: Ramsey says Haslam pretending.

Other guest speakers were three of the candidates for the 5th Congressional District seat, Lonnie Spivak, Bob Schwartz. and Jeff Hartline. Eric Crafton, Republican nominee for Juvenile Court Clerk also spoke.

With such a full agenda, the meeting got started a little early this morning, beginning at 8:50 instead of the usual 9AM and ran just a little bit longer concluding at 10:30. People met to socialize and share coffee and pastry at 8:30. Many people hung around and visited with the candidates and each other after the meeting concluded.

The Green Hills Republican club which has been meeting for four months, meets the fourth Saturday of the month at Nero's. The meeting organizers are Peter and Gail Vorsey. The next meeting of the Green Hills Club will be Saturday, August 28th. Special guest will be the Republican candidate for the 5th Congressional Distinct seat which will be determined in the August 5th primary. Please plan now to attend this important meeting to learn what you can do to help our candidate beat Jim Cooper.

The Green Hills club is one of nine Republican groups that have monthly meeting throughout the county. For a complete listing of all of the groups and the scheduled speakers visit the Davidson County Republican Party website.

Update: Dur's views has posted her report of today's event including pictures.

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