Friday, July 09, 2010

Schwartz and Hartline do battle

Ever since the start of the campaign for the Republican nomination for the 5th congressional seat, the eleven candidates have been having a love-fest. There have been few policy differences.

Bob Schwartz has now taken off the gloves and has gone after the presumed front-runner Jeff Hartline on three points:

  • Energy Policy: Schwartz says Jeff Hartline supports increased energy taxes

  • Immigration: According to Schwartz, Hartline favors amnesty.

  • Medicare: Schwartz says Hartline favors dismantling Medicare.
  • The issue of immigration has so far gotten the most attention. Hartline has either flip-flopped or clarified his position which has been misrepresented, depending on which candidate you believe. In any event Hartline has taken a more hard line on immigration as a result of Bob’s criticism.

    According to Schwartz, “Jeff Hartline dropped language on his web-site last night that called for amnesty for illegal workers who ‘speak English.’ Good! I’d rather have him change his position than keep a bad one.”

    Hartline says of his revised or clarrified policy statement on immigrations, “I cannot keep others from misrepresenting me, but I can, and have now, clearly articulated a plan for dealing with this situation.”

    Tomorrow morning, July 10th at the Hermitage Egg and Bacon Summit, Jeff Hartline will face Cece Heil in a one-on-one debate. Cece and Jeff are viewed by many observers as two of, if not the two, front runners. Bob Swartz is seen as gaining ground.

    Although the deadline for filing second quarter financial reports is not until July 12, Hartline is thought to be winning the fundraising battle. Cece has received several endorsements of people of national stature including an endorsement from Sarah Palin.

    Previous joint appearance of the candidates has either included so many candidates that it was hard to remember who said what or the format was not a debate. This one-on-one match up of two of the front runners should give the public a chance to see who can think on their feet and should reveal any policy differences.

    Although all of the details are not finalized, Jeff Hartline and Bob Schwartz may be in a one-on-one debate next Saturday, July 17 at the Priest Lake Egg and Bacon Summit. If it occurs, this should prove interesting. The campaign is swinging into high gear.

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    1. Bob Schwartz has the courage and will to fight for this district and beat Jim Cooper. Hartline is a paper lion that needs to be put out to pasture.

    2. Let the voters decide. Go Hartline!
