Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Steve Dickerson leads James Chesser in the fund raising battle, but not by much.

Democrat spending dwarfs Republican spending.

According to disclosures filed June 12th with the Registry of Election Finance, in the Republican race for the Senate District 21 nomination, Steve Dickerson leads James Chesser in the fund raising battle, but not by much.

Dickerson reports raising $39,560.85 this quarter compared to only $5,537.00 by Chesser. However Chesser started the quarter with a $32,100.11 balance and Dickerson started from zero.

Dickerson has an ending balance of $23,062.83 and Chesser has an ending balance of $ $18,308.67.

Unfortunately Democrat funding dwarfs republican efforts. The Democrat candidates end the quarter with about ten times the amount of money raised and spend as the Republican candidates.

On the Democrat side, incumbent Doug Henry raised $26,449.00 this quarter but started the quarter with a balance on hand of $309,287.25 and ends the quarter with $196,473.12 in the bank.

Henry's challenger, progressive Democrat Jeff Yarbro, raised $46,301.00 this quarter and started the quarter with $186,352.58 and has an ending balance of $190,552.85.

Our rich Republican friends in Belle Meade need to open there wallets and support Republican candidates. Republican could take this seat but not without spending some money.

This is not based on any scientific sampling, but my suspicion is that Republican contributors are holding back until after the primary. Many Republicans, including myself, respect and like Senator Henry. I have voted for him. I suspect many Republicans think that Henry would be difficult to beat if he survives the primary and Republicans will be hesitant to fund a major challenge to Henry. On the other hand, if Yarbro beats Henry in the primary, Republicans will open their wallet to defeat the much more liberal Yarbro. I think that with adequate funding this seat is winnable especially if Yarbro is the Democrat nominee.

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