Monday, July 19, 2010

Straw poll and Pop quiz results from the Apollo School 5th District debate

Congratulation Lonnie Spivak.

The results are in for the straw poll and the pop quiz from last Thursday's Apollo School 5th District candidates debate.


CeCe Heil 31 – 32.9%
Jeff Hartline 24 – 25.5%
Lonnie Spivak 17 – 18.1%
Bob Schwartz 12 – 12.8%

Pop quiz on the enumerated powers listed in the constitution:

Lonnie Spivak – 14 right / 0 wrong
Bob Ries – 7 right / 2 wrong
Jeff Hartline – 6 right / 0 wrong
Bob Schwartz – 5 right / 2 wrong
Tracy Tarum – 5 right / 0 wrong
CeCe Heil – 2 right / 1 wrong
Patrick Miranda – 2 right / 2 wrong

I am surprised that in the straw poll that Bob Schwartz did not score higher. I expected that either Jeff or Cece would be number one, but I thought Bob might come in at number two or a close number three. Congratulations to Lonnie Spivak for taking the third slot.

I am really surprised that Cece did not do better in the pop quiz. Cece always speaks with such authority and confidence about the constitution. She is a lawyer and she has described herself as a 'constitutional scholar' . As I stated in my original post on this debate, I was embarrassed by my own poor performance. I was glad I was not on that stage; however, I scored a 4 which is not too bad. I beat a constitutional scholar!

Actually, I am also surprised at Jeff Hartline. He carries a copy of the constitution with him and also speaks with authority. We all need to bone up on the constitution if we are going to claim we love it so much. I am impressed by Lonnie Spivak. He got twice as many right answers as his closest competitor. Congratulation Lonnie Spivak for knowing the Constitution.

For a complete run down of the debate results and insight from the debate moderator and organizer visit Blue Collar Muse.

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  1. MR. Williams,
    I noticed that you only put 4 candidates on the straw poll results. Are they the only 4 who received votes? Something is not adding up...You stated in an earlier blog that there were around 175 people, and yet, you are posting only 84 votes. Where are the other 9o(ish) votes? Did they go to someone who was not there?

  2. Green, Other votes cast were
    Bob Ries 4 – 4.3%
    Patrick Miranda 4 – 4.3%
    Tracy Tarum 2 – 2.6%
    Blue Collar Muse estimates the crowd at 150. Many people must have not voted in the staw poll.

  3. First of all, thank you for putting these poll results up. They make me really think about our candidates in a new way. Wow as to CeCe's performance which was very disappointing indeed since she talks about her authority as a lawyer. I cannot give her my support at all. Miranda was disappointing as well since he seems to always say that he is a defender of the Constition. Spivak impressed me with the most correct followed by Hartline (Yes Ries had one more correct but had two wrong answers.)
