Thursday, August 12, 2010

David Hall for Congress - David Responds to Push Poll

August 12th, 2010, David Hall for Congress, Nashville, TN

David Hall, Republican Nominee for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, released a statement today on an apparent push poll conducted by Cooper’s administration.

Cooper’s disturbed more than we first thought, evident by his push-poll yesterday”

The poll consisted of approximately 60 questions, asking voters a series of political questions, ending with a series of push-questions. Stating David was unwilling and incapable of engaging in a political debate with his opponents.

David’s response - “For the record, I challenge Jim Cooper to a debate, anywhere, anytime within the next 30 days, and let’s see who’s afraid of who”

The political questions included, questions on the public’s view of his response to the flood, his vote in favor of obamacare and his response to the economic crisis.

It’s obvious, he’s nervous about his votes and his public perception, he’s trying to find a safe crack to hide in but I don’t believe it’s there.” David said.

The poll also accused David’s campaign of being in the middle of an FEC lawsuit, an accusation with little foundation. David Hall addressed the issue by saying,

There isn’t an FEC lawsuit, I did receive a letter questioning a certain contribution, we’ve been on constant contact with the FEC and they’re now satisfied with our answer…Case Closed.”

If you would like more information about David Hall’s campaign, visit Or feel free to contact the campaign at:

David Hall for Congress

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  1. If Hall has "closed the case" with the FEC could he release the information to the rest of us? It could go a long way to improving his situation with potential contributors.

  2. There isn't anything to disclose, what information are you looking for? To my knowledge, everything has already been released to the public.

  3. It ain't "case closed" unless the FEC says it is and I've seen nothing concrete to indicate this is the case. I know folks in south Cheatham County who are interested in contributing time and funds to the Hall campaign but are reluctant for reasons well discussed in these blogs. There is a palpable uneasiness about this situation which Mr. Hall quickly needs to address. Press releases with short, cute quotes won't cut it much longer.

  4. Conservative TN MomAugust 14, 2010 at 8:07 AM

    Zach Hall, I had the same reaction as Anonymous when I read this post. Personally, I've seen nothing from David Hall or his camp about the FEC letter since a press release stated that his financial person was on a mission trip and it would be addressed upon his return. This was just before the primary.

    I want to like your dad for Congress (I am SO ready to oust cooper!), but this type of thing really angers me. I have not heard a direct answer about how the large donation from AHC was thought to be legal (or is legal???), and what, if anything, is being done to remedy the situation. I have searched for an explanation but have not found one, so "everything has already been released to the public" is NOT what I want to hear.

    At this point I feel certain that my poor research skills have led to my irritation, so please post a link directing us to his response. You've assured us that everything is out there, so there must be a link somewhere. If no news organization or other source picked it up, then please simply copy and paste his answer directly here.

    If he has communication from the FEC that all is well, then that would also be very helpful to clear his reputation.


  5. Yes, Zach, the new filings are out, but the filing is like "I against the bill before I voted for it"

    It will be interesting to see what the FEC response is to the filings, since Mr. Hall, 'loaned' the money. FEC regulations say that a candidate cannot loan more than 50% of his net worth, using the previous calander year as a guide. If Mr. Hall made 500k last year, then fine. But the actions of the Hall Camp to do the "washiington two-step" around the facts that Mr. Hall actually owns AHC and his unwillingness to explain everything before the election smacks of blaitant dis-information.

    The Cooper campaign is not going to have to dig very deep to find dirt to use against Hall in the upcoming General.

    And the comment from Mr. Hall, "I'll debate Mr. Cooper anyplace, anytime?" He wouldnt even debate the other GOP candidates he was running against. Yes, he ran a very smart campaign to win, but where does he stand on anything? What are his views on how to fix things?

    I know he's a GC, but you cant hire a sub-contractor to fix things, you have to do this one yourself.

  6. Mr. Hall was at the ACT Forum with other candidates. He stood up and answered what was asked at that forum. I believe that the large donation misfiled as from AHC was not an illegal contribution (although it was misreported). The filing has been corrected to show how it was to have been filed. is the corrected report filed with the FEC. I do believe it would be a reasonable conclusion to conclude that David Hall owns AHC. It would explain why it how it was first filed would have been an easy mistake for the campaign treasurer to make in filing the first report.

  7. hello
    I have heard that Mr. Hall does not put his hand over his heart when everyone else pledges alleg. to the flag. Can you tell me if this is true and if so why. Also, I see on his facebook that he is a born again Christian, can you tell me the church he attends. Just trying to check out a candidate to vote for. I know as republicans the other candidates are jumping on Mr. Halls Bandwagon but I must check him out first. I have been trying to go and hear him for weeks and have not found him as of yet so that is why I am asking for help to my questions. When I asked the max. I could donate to someone I was told 2400 is that true. If so what is the question about 200,000 donation to Mr. Hall. Isnt that against the rules.
    Thanks you
    Mother of three

  8. I also heard Mr. Hall at the ACT meeting. There were only about 5 minutes per candidate and that's not long enough to know anything about the person and where they stand.
    His website has so many pat answers, but definite solutions to the problems.
    As far as the 200k. He has ammended his filings and to be honest, he is just juggling the numbers between it was a in kind gift to I loaned the money to my campaign. Again, perhaps bad bookkeeping, perhaps not understanding the filing form and filling it out correctly or maybe, just maybe he doesnt know what he's doing.
    If you look at this FEC filing's report, there were letters from the FEC starting all the way back in April, three in fact, asking for explinations on his reports.
    Other candidates in the Primary were hammered for the FEC filings and where the money went, but Mr. Hall got a pass on everything until now, when it is too late.
    So if he can't hire people to do correct bookkeeping; he has letters from the FEC wanting explination after explination and he seems to stay out of the "lime-light" when it comes to his views, perhaps he's just a Jim Cooper clone, but on the Republican side, because that's what Mr. Cooper does. Cooper goes to Washington votes however he wants and then refuses to explain to the voters of the 5th, other than saying, "I know more about this than you?"
    Im looking at the independent candidates now.

  9. "Hello
    I have heard that Mr. Hall does not put his hand over his heart when everyone else pledges alleg. to the flag [Just another, of the many, untrue statements going around, I respect the flag and all it stands for, I always place my hand over my heart]. Can you tell me if this is true and if so why. Also, I see on his Facebook that he is a born again Christian, can you tell me the church he attends [Hillview Baptist Church, located in Goodlettsville, TN]. Just trying to check out a candidate to vote for. I know as republicans the other candidates are jumping on Mr. Halls Bandwagon but I must check him out first. I have been trying to go and hear him for weeks and have not found him as of yet so that is why I am asking for help to my questions. When I asked the max. I could donate to someone I was told 2400 is that true. If so what is the question about 200,000 donation to Mr. Hall. Isn’t that against the rules. [It was a donation from myself, to my campaign. Candidates are exempt from the $2,400 cap]

    Thanks you
    Mother of three

  10. I'm underwhelmed by your response, David Hall. How about addressing everyone else's comments? Thanks.

  11. Look for the FEC to hit Mr. Hall with a HUGE fine for his 'misrepresenting" his campaign finance.
    Also, look for there to be an investigation into the PAC, run by his children, that not only contributed to his campaign and was not reported and the 'get out the vote' work of going to nursing homes and retirement centers to 'sign up' absentee voters.
    This guy stinks like most general contractors I have ever seen.

  12. I have not heard of any work done at nursing homes, by the Hall campaign or by the Do Hard Things PAC. If you have reasons to believe this please provide them.
    If the Do Hard Things PAC had raised considerable funds and spent them campaign for David Hall it could have raised flags for seeming to circumvent contribution limits and or rules on coordinated expenditures. As it was the Hall Children formed a PAC out of an abundance of caution to make sure that there were appropriate disclosures and that t’s and i’s were cross and dotted. They hoped it would have an impact in politics in other ways then just their father’s race. The goal was to be able to train people from various congressional districts so that they could return to their districts with experience to help conservative candidates be elected.

  13. P.C.
    I am not at liberty at the moment to provide this information, but all we be made clear, I just hope it is before the General Election.
    The fact that Mr. Hall has released a letter to the FEC does not in anyway negate the fact that David Hall for Congress Committee can not give money to the Campaign, nor does it eleviate that fact that Mr. Hall, misprepresented himself, through poor bookkeeping, as receiving monies from AHC, whether he owns it or not.
    It would be like any candidate to hvae a company and asking their employees to call and campaign for him and then saying oh and I think the amount of "in-kind" contribution for this service was say, oh, 200k. Did it actually cost Mr. Hall 200k to do his polling and other things through AHC. If so, I want a job at AHC, those people make some SERIOUS cash for making phone calls.
    Mr. Haslam spent almost the same amount of money to poll the entire state.
