Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Hartline: We did not pay for the Minuteman endorsement

From Wes Hartline:
Our campaign did not pay anything for the Minuteman Project endorsement. We made no contributions nor were we contacted before the endorsement other than being asked to send our website, blog and policy positions to the Project.

I would appreciate an amended blog post on that, Rod. If left as is, it appears to the casual reader that we had to pay for an endorsement, and that is completely false.

Comment: I have not alleged that the Hartline campaign paid for the Minuteman Project endorsement and the Hartline campaign is not alleging that I made that charge. I have not searched the Hartline financial disclosures to see if they have paid a consulting fee to Election Impact Group or any other firm associated with Jim Gilchrist. I believe Jeff Hartline to be an honorable person and I am accepting his statement at face value. I am pleased to post the above message from the Hartline campaign.

I did post as written the press release from the Hartline campaign in which they announced their endorsement from the Minuteman Project. In a separate post, I posted a link from Politico that tells of serious and credible allegations that the Minuteman Project endorsement was for sale. If you have not read that article please do.

While I have absolutely no reason to believe and don't believe the Hartline campaign paid for the Minuteman Project endorsement, if I was a candidate for Congress and received the Minuteman Project endorsement, instead of bragging about it, I think I would keep it a secret.

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1 comment:

  1. Yet another example of Wes Hartline overreacting. I'm surprised he didn't call you "precious" like he has others on the blogs. If Hartline loses the primary, some may argue it's because he hired Bill Hobbs (whom I like), but I say it's becuase of Wes Hartline. I don't know Wes, but to be so educated and of adult age, I must question his maturity.
