Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jim Cooper: Lap dog or Blue dog?

blue dog, Jim Cooper
Jim Cooper Suddenly Sees the Light

August 11th, 2010 . by Wilson County Tea Party

With less than three months before the November election, 5th District U.S. Rep Jim Cooper wants you to believe that he’s a fiscal conservative. He voted against the latest ‘Stimulus’ yesterday (here). This stimulus is essentially an election pay-off to the teacher’s unions and puts an estimated $90 million DIRECTLY into their pockets. It also gives money to fiscally irresponsible states. (Read More)

Comment: Please read the above. I was essentially going do the same research and write the same thing but thankfully I found this article. This writer list 14 recent liberal votes by Jim Cooper. I never did place a lot of confidence in death bed conversions. One right does not make up for 14 wrongs.

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