Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Minutemen Founder Endorses Hartline in 5th District

NASHVILLE, August 3, 2010, press realease from Hartline for Congress – Congressional candidate Jeff Hartline has received the endorsement of one of America’s foremost leaders in the fight to stop illegal immigration.

Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President of the Minuteman Project (www.minutemanproject.com), the nation's leading grassroots activist organization on the issue of immigration reform and border security, announced today that the organization is endorsing Hartline in the congressional race in Tennessee’s 5th District.

Gilchrist cited Hartline’s strong stances on securing our borders, denying illegals any form of amnesty, and cracking down on taxpayer-funded benefits that attract illegals to the United States. Hartline is a “real leader” who, as a member of Congress, “will ensure that Congress actually enforce current immigration laws to protect the jobs of Americans and the dollars of taxpayers,” Gilchrist said.

The Hartline campaign welcomed the endorsement. “Jim Gilchrist and the Minuteman Project are at the forefront of the fight to stop illegal immigration, and as a member of Congress I will work with them and other like-minded Americans to make the federal government enforce our nation’s immigration laws and secure our borders, and to stop any attempt to grant amnesty.”
“For too long law abiding Americans have grown tired of watching the political establishment lack the will to enforce our nation's laws when it comes to border security and immigration policy,” Gilchrist said. He urged voters to send Hartline to Congress “to demand the Federal Government enforce our laws and secure our borders” so that America can “begin to end the chaos of illegal immigration.”

Jim Gilchrist founded the multi-ethnic Minuteman Project on Oct. 1, 2004, after years of frustrated efforts trying to get a neglectful U.S. government to simply enforce existing immigration laws. Called “the world’s largest neighborhood watch”, their volunteer members aid efforts of the US Border Patrol by watching for illegal activity along the US-Mexican border.

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