Saturday, August 21, 2010

Miss USA supports First Amendment but thinks Mosque should not be build so close to Ground Zero

Rima Fakih,Miss USA, Muslim womenThe reigning Miss USA has come out against the Ground Zero mosque, saying "it shouldn't be so close" to Ground Zero.

The 24-year-old Rima Fakih, is the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA contest and is preparing for the Miss Universe Pageant, scheduled for Monday in Las Vegas.

"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih told "Inside Edition" in an interview that will air tonight. (link)

Comment: Who cares what a Miss USA beauty queen thinks? I just like reminding people that not every Muslim women is wearing a burqa. Also, all Muslims don't think alike. They can even modernize and assimilate. Plus, it is an excuse to post a picture of a hot babe.

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