Friday, August 27, 2010

Green Hills “Pastry 'n Politics Summit”

August 28, 2010 (Saturday) Green Hills “Pastry 'n Politics Summit”

Breakfast 8:30 a.m. ($10 Cash—No Credit Cards)
Program 9:00 a.m. (Sharp!).
Nero’s Grill
Green Hills (Nashville)

Guest Speakers:

David Hall, Candidate For U.S. Congressional 5th
Steve Dickerson, Candidate For TN Senate District 21

Please come and bring someone with you.

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  1. Are either Hartline or Heil going to be there to support David Hall?

  2. I would be willing to bet, NO. Until the questions on his FEC filings are answered, by either the candidate or the FEC, I doubt that the other two top runners will support Mr. Hall.
