Tuesday, August 03, 2010

A price tag for Minuteman support?

By BEN SMITH, 5/26/10, Politico- To win the endorsement of the Minuteman Project and its founder, Jim Gilchrist, you need to believe in federal troop deployments to stop illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. and stepped-up deportations of those who do.

You may also need to pay several thousand dollars, according to documents from three Republican campaigns that sought Gilchrist’s endorsement. Read more

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  1. If you have to pay for it, is it really an endorsement?

  2. Our campaign did not pay anything for the Minuteman Project endorsement. We made no contributions nor were we contacted before the endorsement other than being asked to send our website, blog and policy positions to the Project.

    I would appreciate an amended blog post on that, Rod. If left as is, it appears to the casual reader that we had to pay for an endorsement, and that is completely false.
