Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rep. Ben West, Jr. endorses Sam Cole­man for state House

(Nashville) — State Representative Ben West, Jr. (D-Hermitage), who is retiring after serving the 60th House district for 26 years, endorsed Metro Councilman Sam Coleman Thursday as his replacement in the upcoming November election.

West was joined in the endorsement by Coleman’s four former opponents from the August Democratic Primary: Larry Crim, Tommy Bradley, Charles Hager and Chris Tobe.

“I am casting my total support behind Sam, because he understands the needs of Hermitage, Donelson and Antioch,” West said. “I plan to work tirelessly to ensure that his transition into the state house is a smooth one. I know that he will continue to serve the district in a fine manner.”

Republicans had been hopeful that the retiring West would endorse the Republican candidate Jim Gotto, or at least not endorse anyone. Ben West is a conservative Democrat and votes with Republicans more than Democrats. He is a fiscal and social conservative and is a strong advocate for the 2nd Amendment. In the last year he has been present at tea party events and at various Republican events. He and his wife Phyllis were enthusiastic supporters of Cece Heil in her quest to win the Republican nomination for the 5th Congressional District. They serving as sponsors of a fund-raising event for Cece and they worked the polls for her.

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