Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Titty Bars at Ground Zero

Titty Bar at Ground Zero, New York DollsFor all of those enraged about a proposed Mosque being built at "Ground Zero", which is really two blocks away from the foot print of the World Trade Center, you might also want to be enraged about what else in the neighborhood.

There is an off-track betting establishment, some cocktail lounges, a McDonalds, plenty of places to conduct commerce or shop till you drop and a Titty Bar!

Actually there are a couple of titty bars and an adult book stores selling "marital aids" and adult reading material. Now, how scared is this hallowed ground in America's most thriving and cosmopolitan city?Titty Bar at Ground Zero

The titty bars are New York Dolls and Pussycat Club. Just in case you want to stop by for some patriotic pole dancing after visiting sacred ground, I am including a map and a picture of one of the establishments.

Map and some of this information lifted from Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog.

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