Thursday, September 30, 2010

Candidates forum tonight, including Hall and Cooper

An election forum is scheduled tonight for the following candidates in the November election:

  • U.S. House District 5 — Jim Cooper; David Hall.
  • State Senate District 21 — Steven Dickerson, Douglas Henry
  • State House District 59 — Duane Dominy, Sherry Jones

The forum will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Thursday, September 30th, at the Christ Lutheran Church gymnasium, 299 Haywood Lane.

Questions can be submitted in advance by e-mail to

There has been almost no publicity for this event.

This may be the only time we will have the opportunity to see the candidates on the same stage. While a forum is not a debate, this may be the closest we get to having a debate. Giving Jim Cooper's reluctance to face the voters I am surprised but pleased he is participating. Please show up tonight and support our candidates.

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