Thursday, September 02, 2010

Channel 5 raises more questions about the Hall campaign

Just when I thought and hoped that all questions regarding the Hall campaign were answered, more questions emerge.

Candidate Says Campaign Facebook Posts Were 'Mistakes'
by By Phil Williams, Chief Investigative Reporter, News Channel 5, Sep 01, 2010 9:10 PM CDT

(Excerpt) Even more puzzling is how the Halls appeared to set up a sort of political-church camp -- supposedly run by the candidate's children -- to provide teenagers to work on their father's campaign.

Do The Hard Things 2010 was supposedly set up as a political action committee to run something called Camp Nashville. Families would pay to send their kids to a camp whose sessions just happened to kick off during early voting.

Among the camp's schedule:

6 a.m. -- Mandatory Breakfast.
6:15 a.m. -- Mandatory Devotional.
6:30 a.m. -- Depart, in teams, for sign-waving activities.

So how many teens participated? (link)

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  1. This is not going to stop. Hall has attempted to explain these problems for the past month without success. Every time this "Pandora's Box" is opened, more deception flows out. These "mistakes" were repeated over and over. His contention in the article that his son had nothing to do with any of this is ridiculous. Anyone who has followed Rod's blog or Post Politics knows that David Hall has been AWOL and Zach has been his defender. His comments are everywhere. But why are we surprised? Hall avoided all confrontive forums because he knew he would be giving the same nonsensical answers to his opponents in public that he gave to Phil Williams in this article. He is not ready for Prime Time. Everybody knows it.

  2. Disgruntled-
    This is exactly why many of us, when asked to jump on the "Hall Train" have said "No Thanks"! All of this is not new news. The deception has been wafting around this candidate since day one and any Republicans that value their reputation will stay as far away from this nightmare as possible. Money donated to this campaign is more likely to go to paying legal fees than to getting the unelectable elected.
    Almost his entire family is running for some office. Guess the "construction" business is still suffering and they need a job somewhere. Beware! I have a feeling this is hardly over.

  3. LOL!! I think this is VERY funny considering the fact you guys were spewing out the same garbage pre-primary, now that we've one you guys can't handle it! If and when we win the general it'll be funny to see what you'll say then. If we fail in our attempts to introduce conservatism to TN's 5th everyone that has failed to participate in this election will lose their voice! LOL.... I like the fact that you're "Anonymous" and accuse us of 'hiding'!

  4. Zach: There you are again! Since you are the only Hall apparently not running for anything, you should go to work for the McWherter campaign. They're going to need a boat-load of this kind of spin that you guys keep pushing out without dealing with the actual issues. Your entire reporting to the public (that would be voters) has been a web of deception. Phil Williams got it right by calling you guys out on the "mistake from out of town" excuse. Just be truthful about something. Continuing to write "LOL" on every sentence is not a truth serum that makes every untruth a truth. The fact that your Dad affirmed to the local media that he had not tried to hide the fact that the money the campaign was raising (supposedly) was coming directly from him is laughable out loud. Please! Enough! This is already enough embarrassment for the GOP.

  5. No, Zack, Your family is hiding and ducking. You change your story more times than Fruit of the Loom has underwear.
    And the only reason I post anonymously is because I do not want to open a google account.
    But just so you know, I post under Finer Point on the other blog sites.

    And please, stop laughing, none of this is funny or even midly amusing. This is the MAJOR LEAGUE kid, not a city council or clerk seat.

    You think that everything has been settled by the FEC, but it hasnt, until they write a letter and say so and for your Father to think that they dont do that is idiotic.

    Did you not see where three candidates for a STATE seat were fined by the TEC for failing to file on time? Do you think for one second that the Federal Election Commission is not going to do anything when your father changed his filings three times, before he finally admitted he OWNED AHC?

    Grow up!

  6. It's time for the harvest. David Hall's campaign is the crop, and it's bad. When called to account for statements made by the campaign or on behalf of the campaign, he digs himself deeper and deeper into the hole he's been digging for 6 months now.

    The fact that that GOP candidates in the fifth endorsed this guy means nothing. The state party doesn't look to spend any money on this race, and the local party is far more interested in winning the State Senate and House races than the Congressional race.

    I can fully understand wanting to back a GOP candidate strictly because he/she is a Republican. In this instance, everyone who has endorsed Hall risks their own credibility and their future political careers will likely carry a black mark from the endorsement of a candidate that will likely end up paying some very heavy fines to the FEC.

    Rep. Cooper is resting easy; even loyal GOP supporters see this campaign as a disaster in the making.
