Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Contribute to TCPR

Dear Rodney,
Last week, we urged you to help us defend your liberty and return power to Tennessee instead of Washington, D.C. We asked that you help us raise $1,787 during Constitution Week, which runs through this Thursday. So far, you have generously donated $1,275 toward our cause! But with just two days left in Constitution Week, we're still $500 away from our goal.

Visit our secure website to make a tax-deductible donation today. Whatever you can provide - $25, $100, or even the $500 we need to hit our mark - will go a long way toward advancing individual liberty and limited government in our state.

Last week we asked if you would you stand with us against trillion dollar bailouts, a federal takeover of our healthcare, and outrageous government spending. Many of you responded with a resounding "YES!" by making a generous donation to our cause. If you haven't already, click here to make a tax-deductible donation to help us reach $1,787 in the next two days.

I am excited to hear from you, and I look forward to working with you to restore our constitutional principles.
In Liberty,
Justin Owen

Tennessee Center for Policy Research is a highly respected and effective organization worthy of your support. Rod

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