Thursday, September 02, 2010

David Hall builds strategy in District 5 with little publicity, money

By Chas Sisk • THE TENNESSEAN • September 2, 2010

[Excerpt] But regulators have not taken any enforcement actions against Hall, who has had to make only minor changes to his disclosures to satisfy the FEC.

[Excerpt] Hall and people outside his campaign who have spoken to him say he won through a simple combination of hard work and political savvy. Hall was able to single out Republican voters who would be receptive to his message of shrinking government and promoting Christian values.

[Excerpt] A plan by Hall's children for a "summer camp" in which students would pay $249 a week to work on Nashville political campaigns also has attracted attention.In July, Hall said in a pair of messages to supporters that the Do Hard Things camp had brought nine volunteers to Nashville to work for his campaign. Hall said no campers ever came to Nashville and that a campaign volunteer sent those messages in error.

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1 comment:

  1. So, do you still think that Mr. Hall is being upfront with the voters in the 5th?
