Friday, September 24, 2010

Green Hills Pastry n Politics with Justin Owen

Justin Owen

Saturday, September 25th

Continental Buffet - 8:30 am
Meeting - 9:00 am
$10.00 - No Credit Cards

Nero's Grill Green Hills
2122 Hillsboro Drive
Green Hills, 37215

Justin will address the implications of wasteful and excessive government spending at both the state and federal levels.

Copies of TCPR's most famous publication, the Tennessee Pork Report, which has uncovered more than $1.2 billion in wasted tax dollars since its first release in 2005, will be available for a nominal donation

Justin Owen is the President and Executive Director at the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. He manages the day-to-day operations of TCPR, oversees all policy initiatives, and serves as the main point of contact for members of the Tennessee General Assembly, the media, and the public on policy issues.

Owen advances TCPR's mission by frequently appearing on television and radio and writing opinions pieces for newspapers across Tennessee. He has appeared on all four major network news stations in Nashville, as well as stations in Memphis, Knoxville, and the Tri-Cities. He has a weekly radio segment on the "Ralph Bristol Show" on WTN 99.7 FM, and often appears on other talk radio stations throughout the state to educate citizens on public policy issues. His writing has appeared in newspapers such as the Tennessean, the Nashville City Paper, and the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

Prior to joining TCPR, Owen served as a law clerk to the U.S. Attorney in Memphis and at the Pentagon as a legal intern to the General Counsel of the United States Navy. He is involved in various nonprofits in Nashville, serving as legal counsel and civic committee chairman of the Nashville Junior Chamber and as a board intern for Junior Achievement of Middle Tennessee.

Owen received his J.D. from the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law at the University of Memphis in 2008 and obtained his undergraduate degree from Middle Tennessee State University in 2005. He is licensed to practice law in Tennessee.

Click here for more information on TN Center for Policy Research

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