Monday, September 27, 2010

MoveOn.Org endorses Jim Cooper

I belong to so you don't have to. This radical, extremist, progressive organization is working to reelect "blue dog" Jim Cooper. I thought you might find this interesting. Rod

Dear MoveOn member,

MoveOn members in Tennessee's 5th District have voted to endorse Jim Cooper for Congress. It's up to all of us to stop the corporate takeover of Congress—you can volunteer with the campaign here:

Below is a special message for you from Jim Cooper.

Thanks for all you do.

–Steven, Anna, Duncan, Adam, Carrie, and the rest of the team

I'm thankful for the support and endorsement from Middle Tennessee MoveOn members.

Despite the devastating floods of May and our ongoing recovery, Middle Tennesseans have demonstrated their true character of strength and resilience, and I've never been more honored to serve them in Congress.

Now is a critical time in American politics, and more than ever we need leadership focused on fiscal discipline, Tennessee values, and getting our communities back to work. We're less than 6 weeks from the November election and voter turnout is crucial. With your support, we can continue making Middle Tennessee a model for the rest of the nation.

Sign up to volunteer with my campaign, put a yard sign in your yard, and share with your friends and family the importance of casting a vote on November 2.

I hope to see you at the polls.

Jim Cooper

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the email from this radical group and informing people of Jim Cooper's true radical ties. I fear, however, that with all the independents running against the Republican candidate, that he will easily get in again, but maybe enough people will vote against him to send him a wake-up call.
    Pink Slip Jim
