Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sen Bob Corker rated "Hero" by Taxpayers Against Earmarks

Sen. Lamar Alexander rated a "Hooligan."

Taxpayers Against Earmarks (TAE) has a page on their website called "Heroes & Hooligans" used to recognize those in Congress standing up against wasteful spending and to help taxpayers hold those politicians accountable who refuse to stop earmarking. "To be a 'Hero,' a Member of Congress must have refrained from requesting any earmarks this year," states the TAE website. "'Hooligans' are those who have requested earmarks this fiscal year, even if they support efforts to reform or eliminate the practice of earmarking." They listed all members of Congress as either "heroes" or "Hooligans."

In the Senate there were only 10 "heroes," seven of them Republicans and three of them Democrats. John McCain and Scott Brown were other notable "heroes."

In the House, there were 178 "Heros," 173 of them Republicans and five of them Democrats. Tennessee Heroes were Marsha Blackburn, Jim Cooper (Yes, our own Jim Cooper), and John Duncan. All other Tennessee Congressmen were "Hooligans."

Of the 259 House "Hooligans," 253 were Democrats and only six were Republicans. One to the six Republican "Hooligans" was Ron Paul or Texas.

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1 comment:

  1. Bob Corker against auditing the fed
