Thursday, September 09, 2010

Spending Revolt Bus Tour is Landing in Nashville

Spending Revolt Bus Tour is Landing in Nashville
The Spending Revolt Bus Tour has made a last-minute adjustment to its schedule in order to make a stop in Nashville. The Tennessee Center for Policy Research will be on hand to sign the bus with a giant marker to "send a message to Washington" about out of control government spending. Join TCPR president Justin Owen, radio host Ralph Bristol, state Rep. Susan Lynn, and Tennessee Tax Revolt's Ben Cunningham as we stand strong against wasteful government spending.
WHAT: Spending Revolt Bus Tour - Nashville Stop (

WHEN: Friday, September 10th at 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: The MTA Station,
1011 Demonbreun Street, Nashville (directly behind Union Station)
Help us spread the word! Forward this email to your friends, and post about the event on Facebook and Twitter. And then come out and sign the bus!

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