Friday, September 10, 2010

The nutty right-wing fringe and David Hall connection

TV Station Known for Conspiracy Videos managed by David Hall

by Phil Williams
Chief Investigative Reporter

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- NewsChannel 5 Investigates has uncovered ties between some controversial, anti-government videos and a candidate for Congress.

David Hall, the Republican nominee to face Congressman Jim Cooper, insists he had nothing to do with videos that suggest some federal agents may be responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans, but he won't repudiate them either.(link)


We did not need this. About the time I was beginning to think the bad news about the Hall campaign was over and we could rally behind David Hall and put our energies into defeating Jim Cooper, something else is revealed. None of these stories by themselves would disqualify David Hall. All of them however are disturbing. The phony Marsha Blackburn endorsement, the phony polling firm and incorrect FEC fillings, the Do the Hard Thing youth camp, and now this: they add up.

Some will criticize me for rehashing the list of negatives. They are out there, however. We can be assured that if David Hall does get within sticking distance of Jim Cooper, that the Cooper campaign will bring them up so there is no point in ignoring them.

I have warmed to David Hall. Having heard him speak several time, he seems to be a solid common sense mainstream conservative, a man who cares deeply about his country, and a smart, hardworking strategist. He and his family are likable people. I would be comfortable having David Hall represent me in Congress.

I am really surprised by this latest revelation. The other revelation could be excused as minor flaws of a person who so wanted to win that he bent the rules a little and used poor judgment or someone who just made some mistakes. This revelation paints Hall as an extremists.

Having heard David speak now on several occasions, I have never heard him say anything nutty or extreme. The Phil Williams piece does not say how long, but it says that "for years," Hall managed the TV station owned by his father. The Station produced videos that were popular among the "patriot movement". One of the videos is about the Weaver family and Ruby Ridge, the other is about the Branch Dividians and Waco and a third, which cannot be located, apparently alleges the government was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing.

These terrible incidents became rallying cries among a tiny extreme fringe element on the right. Those sympathetic to what was sometimes called the "patriot movement" or the militia movement saw the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents as an out of control government at war with its citizen and willing to commit murder when citizens dared stand up to the Federal government. While I also think that the government was over zealous and the tragedies of Ruby Ridge and Waco could have been avoided, many in the patriot movement have a conspiratorial view of these incidents and viewed Ruby Ridge and Waco as the start of a campaign against gun owners and dissidents. They saw black helicopters and concentration camps.

In the Williams piece, David Hall says he had absolutely nothing to do with the production of the videos and that he has not even watched them and that he does not have enough information to have an opinion on Ruby Ridge or Waco. This is plausible, but just barely. I do not expect for a TV station manager, or a radio station manger or magazine editor to endorse and defend and agree with ever product or ever point of view presented by the media outlet they manage. On the other hand, this was a small family-owned station and the video producer was David Hall's father.

This report does not present information that makes David Hall unworthy of serving as a US Congressman but it is one more unfortunate piece of bad news that will add up to making it more difficult for David Hall to win an uphill battle. I hope this is the last of it.

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  1. Will this ever end....?

  2. Finally! I must say it took you long enough to finally see what plenty in the TN-GOP recognized as a less than desirable candidate. What we wanted was a NEW kind of representative - one who would be honest and upright - not like the "politics as usuals" who attempt to hide what they cannot defend. Regretfully, Mr. Hall appears to be the very sort that Americans are fed up with.

    Take a peek at the FEC wesite today and see how many amended filings there are for Mr. far. At the very least, he has been less than truthful.
    Transparency? I don't think so.

  3. Somehow, I get the feeling there's more out there waiting to be found or more already found waiting to be unveiled at the "right time". We'll see.

  4. Idoubt if the government was involved in Oklahoma City, but I think it is very clear that Cheney was involved in 911. Check out the killtown 911 website, the videos of WTC7, and at that killtown website, check out the connection of Warren Buffet to 911. It is quite disturbing. This is not a dem or repub issue. It is an issue of a very big evil done by our leaders.

  5. Gary:

    Thanks for perpetrating the nuttiness of the citzenry.

    And thanks to Rod for always being fair to allow all views to be expressed. Yours is ludicrous.

    In order for a group to perpetrate this kind of evil, too many people would know and make it impossible to keep quiet. I have more faith in Patriots like Dick Cheney than you have. Maybe you were in on it, huh?

    World Trade Seven fell down as a result of two 110 story city block buildings collapsing on top of it. Please stop putting this stuff out.

    The biggest evil our Democrat and Repulican leaders are doing is building this huge social state that is spending us into oblivion. That evil is happening right in front of us and many of us have been complicit. How's that for a conspiracy theory?

  6. Gary:

    Thanks for perpetrating the nuttiness of the citzenry.

    And thanks to Rod for always being fair to allow all views to be expressed. Yours is ludicrous.

    In order for a group to perpetrate this kind of evil, too many people would know and make it impossible to keep quiet. I have more faith in Patriots like Dick Cheney than you have. Maybe you were in on it, huh?

    World Trade Seven fell down as a result of two 110 story city block buildings collapsing on top of it. Please stop putting this stuff out.

    The biggest evil our Democrat and Repulican leaders are doing is building this huge social state that is spending us into oblivion. That evil is happening right in front of us and many of us have been complicit. How's that for a conspiracy theory?

  7. How do all of the 5th District candidates feel about his reported $98,000 foreclosure in Oklahoma? What about the purported underage DUI? Certainly a "responsible" and "conservative" candidate to rally behind.

    Maybe if the state and local GOP had done their jobs and rallied behind 2 or 3 legitimate candidates for the nomination, the district would actually be up for grabs. Instead, we get a drunk, irresponsible, fraudulent candidate running for Congress.

  8. I welcome comments on this blog and grant a wide latitude and seldom censor anything anyone writes and I am publishing the comment above from anonymous. However, this is the first I have heard of these allegation and have absolutely no way of knowing if they are true. I am taking these allegations with a grain of salt.

    Even if they are true however, they don't amount to much without knowing more.

    An underage DUI certainly does not disqualify one for public office in my view. Also, there have been a tidal wave of foreclosures in this country, as everyone knows, with over 1.2 million last year alone. Experiencing a foreclosure is not necessarily a character flaw. If one fraudulently got a loan or simply was foolish and purchased more house than he could afford and mismanaged his money, that is one thing, If, on the other hand, one had a loss of income or a family illness causing extraordinary expenses and one could not keep up the payments on the mortgage and the home is foreclosed as per the terms of the Deed of Trust, the owner is not defrauding anyone. He lost the equity in his house; the mortgage company takes the home. In my view, that is not a character flaw.

    As for the suggestion that the State and local GOP should have rallied around 2 or 3 good candidates, how is that supposed to happen? We have a primary process and it only takes 25 signatures to get on the ballot. I think we need to change that; however, there is no mechanism for the Party to keep people from running. In fact, members of the Executive Committee are not even supposed to openly endorse candidates. They are supposed to be impartial until after the primary. It is the Republican voters who have a responsibility for vetting the candidates and selecting the nominees. "The Party" is us. The elected members of the Party Executive Committee are not gate-keepers. Candidates are not chosen in smoke-filled back rooms. It is not supposed to work that way.

  9. Rod, when a coach is trying to determine how many players he is going to dress out for the team, he determines that by their performance in practice. Practice's are days and weeks before the game, which gives the coach a great idea of who is going to help him win. If a player has a good heart and wants to play for the team, but doesnt have any athletic ability, then the coach has a tough decision. But a decision has to be made. He has to cut players, to ensure he has the best players available.
    The GOP in TN doesnt want to "cut" anyone, for fear of hurting someone's feelings, but when you have 'players', who even though they have a great heart and want to play, have to be cut before the game. THe other team is doing that on a regular basis. How many districts had 11 Dem's running for the seat? Do you think for one second that the leaders of the Dem's in TN wouldnt go to those candidates and say something along the order of, "Thank you for wanting to run, but we feel that you do not have a chance to "play" in this game, so we are having to cut you from the team?" Of course they do.
    I am pretty sure that the same thing happened with the GOP candidates, but they were too concerned with their own inflated opinion of themselves to step down and get behind another candidate whom they thought could win the 5th. Why do you think, Mr. Hall inflated his campaign contributions so much, he wanted to show the GOP of TN that he had support from the voters. As it turns out, he only had financial support "in kind", which is not the same as raising the same amount of real money from supporters.
    Can the GOP ask people to step out of the race, if they have no chance of winning the primary (the game)? THey better in the future or we will continue to have sub-standard candidates running in general elections they have no chance of winning.


    There's your foreclosure notice. Oklahoma, 1997.

    Character is important, otherwise we're just like the Democrats. We should hold our public servants to a standard. Fraud, foreclosure, possible DUI arrests do not a candidate of character make.

  11. Another letter for additional information on Hall's reports to the FEC has been issued. My goodness this campaign has more problems explaining mistakes than Carter has little pills
