Friday, September 03, 2010

Yesterday was a great day for Republicans in Shelby County.

By Georgeann King, on September 2nd, 2010, Midtown Republican Club

The GOP dominated all Shelby County officials sworn into office. We swept in with Mayor, Sheriff, Circuit Court Clerk, Criminal Court Clerk, Juvenile Court Clerk, Probate Court Clerk, County Register, County Clerk and County Trustee. It was a joy to see them all on stage and then to see each being sworn in. The Canon Center was full and the Arlington High School Jazz Ensemble kept everyone’s mood up.

....the most humorous swearing in was Democrat Steve Mulroy. His unusual red tennis shoe type foot apparel seemed a little incongruous with the surroundings. However, when he took the oath from The Honorable John Fowlkes, Jr., for District 5 County Commissioner, parrotting the judge, he went so far as to say “I, state your name” instead of “I, Steve Mulroy.” Maybe the Democrats are a little too willing to follow the party line on every occasion.

Former Mayor Jim Rout was the moderator and offered a personal reminiscence when it came time for Wayne Mashburn to take office.

In politics, it’s good to have a dream and follow it. I hope this swearing in is a sign of things to come, with Republicans continuing to have a major role in the running of our city, county and state. At least that’s my dream. (link)

Comment: Congratulation Shelby County Republicans! Maybe someday we can see the same thing happen in Davidson County.

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