Saturday, October 09, 2010

Arthur Laffer Endorses David Hall for Congress

Nashville, TN – David Hall, candidate for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, welcomed today’s endorsement from Dr. Arthur Laffer, renowned supply-side economist best known as the creator of the “Laffer Curve” and as an economic advisor to President Ronald Reagan.

“David Hall understands the recipe for economic growth: low tax rates, free trade, sound money and smaller government,” said Laffer.

Laffer, a resident of the 5th District, announced his support of Hall while acknowledging that he had previously voted for Jim Cooper, “I am endorsing David Hall because he is the pro-growth candidate.”

Said Hall, “Dr. Laffer shares my values of economic growth and fiscal conservatism. His endorsement means a lot to me, and it reflects on the incumbent’s trouble with convincing voters to send him back to represent the 5th District.”

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