Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Arthur Laffer host fundraiser for David Hall

Dr. Arthur Laffer the creator of the “Laffer Curve,” an innovation that earned him the distinction as the “Father of Supply-Side Economics,” is hosting a fund raiser for David Hall, the Republican candidate for Congress. The fundraiser is tonight at a home in Belle Meade.

Arthur Laffer is the author of numerous books and has been widely published in both scholarly and popular publications. Currently, he resides in Nashville and is the founder and CEO of Laffer Associates, an economic research and consulting firm that provides global investment-research services. He was a member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board for both of his terms.

This is significant. David Hall's stealth campaign in the primary left David Hall an unknown among the influential and moneyed class of Nashville. They are getting to know David Hall and are now on board. The support of Arthur Laffer is a big boost to the Hall campaign.

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