Friday, October 01, 2010

Council Lady Sandra Moore is peeved that Councilman Duane Dominy is trying to save the fair grounds

Council Lady Sandra Moore is peeved that Councilman Duane Dominy is trying to save the fairgrounds without her. She assures us however that she has been working on this issue for the last three years and will take whatever action she deems is in the best interest of her district.

Council Lady Moore,
Please get off the fence. Are you going to work to save the fair grounds or not? Since you, "have worked for the past three years to ensure that any future use of the fairgrounds property is in the best interest of the citizens of the 17^th District and the city as a whole," I would like to know what you have done. Have you introduced any legislation to stop the sale? What have you concluded is in the best interest of the citizens of the 17^th District and the city as a whole? This steam roller to sale the fair grounds is about to run over us. It seems like the decision to sale the fairgrounds is almost a done deal. If someone does not act soon, it will be too late. Where do you stand?
Rod Williams

See below:

This communication is being sent on behalf of District 17 Council Lady
Sandra V. Moore.
Date: September 30, 2010
To: Constituents of the
17th Council District
From: Sandra Moore, Council Lady, District 17
*Fairgrounds Legislation*

As you have probably heard, legislation was filed this week by Councilman Duane Dominy of the 28^th Council District that, if enacted by the Council, would essentially require the Board of Fair Commissioners to continue to hold an annual state fair on the fairgrounds property. The legislation would also require the Fair Board to make the property available for other events, including "a monthly flea market, annual lawn and garden show, annual gem show, annual car show, *motor sports*, and such other activities and events that took place on the property in Fiscal Year 2009." (emphasis added). I want to make it perfectly clear that I was not asked to co-sponsor this legislation nor was I even informed that it existed until after it had been filed. I have worked for the past three years to ensure that any future use of the fairgrounds property is in the best interest of the citizens of the 17^th District and the city as a whole. I am frankly disappointed that another district councilmember felt it appropriate to file legislation regarding property that is located solely within my district, but it is within his purview to do so.

Please know that I will be reviewing this legislation closely in the coming days and
will take whatever action I deem to be in the best interest of the 17^th District when the bill comes up on first reading at the October 5^th Council meeting. As always, if there are any concerns or comments please give me a call at 386-9246, or you may email me at .

Thank you for your continued support as we work together for the benefit of the community.

*Elease M. Waller*
*Metro Council Office*
*One Public Square, Suite 204*
*P. O. Box 196300*
*Nashville, Tennessee 37219-6300*
*615-880-3348 (office)*
*615-862-6784 (fax)*

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