Tuesday, October 26, 2010

David Hall gets support from Sarah PAC

By: Chas Sisk, In Session, Oct. 26, 2010

David Hall, the Repub­li­can nom­i­nee for the 5th Con­gres­sional Dis­trict seat held by Rep. Jim Cooper, wrapped up a fairly good cou­ple of weeks of fundrais­ing (by his stan­dards) with a $5,000 con­tri­bu­tion from Sarah PAC, the polit­i­cal action com­mit­tee of for­mer Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, accord­ing to a dis­clo­sure filed last week with the Fed­eral Elec­tion Commission.(link)

In the primary, Sarah Palin endorced the Cece Heil candidacy.

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